Thursday, July 9, 2009


fucking was going to write something hell epic up but wrote like a bit, deleted it all and now here this is all im going to write ;

moving fucking sucks, change sucks, the balance is gone, gonna take time to adapt and i dont want to adapt, i want it to just go back to how it was, unfortunately, thats not gonna happen, i need to socialise, i need to be places and with people, i am addicted to it. However, i cant do most the stuff i used to anymore, and it fucking sucks. Sure im going to see my friends at uni, but thats it, no more after uni hanging out etc.

emo simmy bear ;[
buhao and buyao.

1 soln to this; win lotto. kthxbai

in rockingham, its epic boring, epic cold and epic ave.

someone save me.


RaMbO_eA9 said...

as i said, just means you crash @ ours for once instead of us crashing @ yours LOL

saygoe said...

im still devo :(